Intelligent product information as a growth driver

Algocat optimizes your online catalog to boost traffic and conversion


They trust us


Virginie LEBLANC
Product Data Manager

We carried out a benchmark of 3 artificial intelligence solutions to automate tasks on our online catalog, and found that the Algocat solution gave the best results in both cases, and was the easiest to connect.



Algocat provides us with a solution using both semantic artificial intelligence and computer vision to reduce human tasks by 80%, enabling us to cut costs and scale up business faster.



When working with e-shops, the catalog quality often diminishes the website's potential. Algocat is our partner for improving product information and achieving rapid results in terms of SEO and conversion.

Why choose Algocat?


product visibility on your site


the quality score of your SEA campaigns


increased traffic thanks to product-oriented SEO and SEA


product data management costs


more precise item recommendations


Catalog audit

Do you know the completeness, conformity and quality of your online catalog?

Algocat audits your catalog, in conjunction with your visibility and conversion teams, to identify missing or incorrect data.

We provide a report that presents a complete audit of completeness and quality by product family as well as by supplier, vendor, ...

The report contains a proposed action plan to solve the most important problems and achieve rapid results in SEO and conversion.


Get product data

Are you lacking technical information about your products?

Our solution finds technical product information where they are (find out more):

  • Office files (PDF, Word, Excel/CSV, ...)
  • URL to manufacturer's website (technical data or marketing content)
  • Web crawl to existing site or external sites

Correction and enhancement of product information

Are you spending too much time producing your product information and/or your catalog contains errors?

Our AI detects errors, corrects them and fills in missing information.

Our platform uses both AI specifically trained on your data and generative AI like GPT, to provide the best response to each piece of information to be processed (find out more).


Working with long tail SEO

Product titles and descriptions are becoming even more crucial for SEO indexing with the arrival of Google SGE (conversational SEO).

Algocat can help you implement GPT or another generative AI in your ecosystem to generate mass product titles and descriptions, enabling you to work on the SEO long tail and prepare for the arrival of conversational SEO (Google Search Generative Experience).


Product matching

Would you like to create more relevant recommendation links between your products?

Algocat has created an artificial intelligence specializing in product matching, which makes it possible to propose complementary products based on their main characteristics.

This feature increases the number of clicks on recommended products, and therefore the conversion rate.


Match search intents

Have you identified search intents that would enable you to rapidly increase your site's traffic?

Algocat allows you to quickly create landing pages that match search intents to increase your site's traffic and conversion.

After identifying search intents where there is little SEO competition, we help you identify the product information you need to create landing pages that respond to them.


Tailor-made AI

Have you identified repetitive manual tasks that could be automated by artificial intelligence?

We've been creating artificial intelligence since 2019, and have the methodology, tools and processes to create AI that meets specific product data challenges.

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Algocat has its own semantic artificial intelligence and computer vision platform, and integrates generative artificial intelligence technologies (including GPT) to complete its offering and best meet the needs of each customer.